In this entry, im going to tell you guys some of the activities ive beeon doing during my holiday, since I cant go anywhere out of Terengganu, due to my parents absent, ehh fyi, my parents went
to Mekah to perform their Hajj. Alhamdullilah, they performed it already, and they are save. And I guess they didnt go through some complications, they sound great! :) . Im happy for them
and now, Im waiting for their homecoming. All of the Mardzuki's and Asmerani's children are waiting patiently for their homecoming this Friday, and it is 3 days to go! ;) Wuuu-weeeee.
How did I spent my holiday? I hanged out with my friends tee-hee. Thats all. We filled our time with great funn. From morning to late evening. Kerek doh kuo ni, smpai kan ade yang dokleh
kuo doh, nak nak Tyla. Umi dye maroh doh kuo kuo, doh ye aa, brape kali doh kluo neh, dokleh kire ngn jari doh. Two days ago we went to TER, tk btpe pon, just watching a couple of close friends bowling. Yang main nye, Shahril, Adam, Fifi and Syakirr. Yes 4 orang je, and semua
lelaki. Pmpuan tk rmai lah mse tu, theres only me, Tyla, Eliza, Pieya, Cammy and Dielah and
semua cm tnak main, minding their own business je, Pieya ngn Cammy pulak blk awl, less fun ;( .
Those boys striked many times, and played dgn penuh bergaya. Haha dyeorg memang. And all
of them like being so damn boastful bile dpat strike. Cececeyyy. And there are some pictures of them ;

See, i told you, penuh bergaya ;) . And then we walked back to school, rmai rmai. Mmg bestt ;). Ahha but the weather was sunny and hot meh! So semua blk mcm pening pening laa, demam laa ehhe. Ksian kat kauorang ;p .
Kalau sblum ni pulakk, pegi lepak kt McD je kot. Mkan mkan. Consisting of Fifi, Fakh, Shahril, Adam, Paih, Kuso, Syed, Amir, Che Mat, Yanie, Nessie, Tyla, Ika, Ella, and Im not sure if Dean was there or not. An shahril bought me this cute pink watch, which i wear almost everyday ahha thanks-a-lot! :D , He bought himself a red one, i picked that colour for him aha boleh laa, cute jugok kang! ;p
And then recently, i hanged out with my girls, Nessie Dayah Soda andd Raisahh. Haha rmai ni je yg bermastautin di Terengganu. The others ber-holiday sakan di negeri luarr ;p . Lepak di KFC, and i wore baju kurong haha! When I first came, dyeorg gave me this sarcastic look, and I know wht theyre abt to say so i kept my mouth shut tight! And Dayah was all like, ' hoh ayu dye arini, mkan pon ayu je, dohla abihh ' . Haha senyap aa Dayah! Ngade guh sorang nii! . But kteorg lepak cm skejap je, I was late, blame my aunt. And I miss them alreadyyy ;( . Jom lepakk lagiiii! And oh, I also miss Ain Fathiah, Noranis Hisham, Shahirah Azmi andd Azie! What do i miss abt them? Well lets see ;
Ain Fathiah - Rindu nok nganjing ke dye psl durii, rindu nok dngo dye cm maroh gitu hehe, rindu nok tgk muke samseng dye! Rindu nok dngo gosip dyeee! ;(
Noranis Hisham - Yang ni sorang rindu nk dngo dye nyanyi hindustan, cite psl cite hindustan tk pong, tamil. Fav dye lah tuu. Lagi? Err rindu nk dngo quotes dye, so that kiteorg buleh mapuh dye hehe, sorry Aniss ;p
Shahirah Azmi - Hok ni, mmg rindu skali nok nyanyi nge dye aaa, duet duet mse sejarah ckgu Ipin ajor! Ye aa, mse sejarah mmg hilang focus teruhh aa, last last tubek aa ayat ' Acik, jom nyanyi! ' Ho nyanyi laa dueorg ni kt blkg owr. Ckgu Ipin tego je, kemah keming senyap!
Aziee - Haha ' cekodok kau! ' amek toh, 'atimah ah tuu, biase dye gadoh ngn Pali ah klau dye tubek ayat ayat gituu, ouh Saodahh kun! ;)
And so, to be frank I miss all of youuuu! Craving to meet you guys, hanging out with you guys, do fun stuff ;) . Another time mehh? So I have to stop aite here, I have to be in bed by 2 a.m actually, its a new protocol hehe :D Goodniteeee.
you have to be in bed by 2am? LAME :p
fyi, my bedtime is 2.30am ahaha xD
i know why you didn't play bowling. aku ajak pun taknak, apetah lagi mereka lelaki -_-
i miss them too! haihh kelas same dok haa tahun depan? >,<
HAHA helo i have this new commitment which requires me to sleep early meh, and i know you know wht it is ;), haha kau tau tkpe, kau igt aku pndai maen bowling? aku tgk jantan2 tu men pon aku rse tk larattt ;(
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