Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kami Menggila di Malam Butaaaaa :))

Pade suatu malam, yang tidak berape sepi dan tidak berape sunyi, aku ditemani oleh Yanie Yanie, yang sedang lene tdo kroh kroh dibelakang. Beliau mmg, jike tido, alamatnye pagi esoklah beliau akan bangun semule ;) Dakpe, saye dok ganggu ah awok.

Oleh itu, aku chat + webby + voice call bersame Raihah Koci tersayang. teman di kale waktu waktu mlam bute begini. Haha dye je yg biase on mase mase cmnii. Jike tidak, akan ditemani oleh seorang lagi rakan, iaitu Sherah Acikk, tetapi beliau tidak dpat join the club, kerane beliau di Johor mnghantar Abeng beliau. Kakcikk, IMY! :p

Ini adalah hasil karya kami berdue! Hasil karya lah sgttt kan Koci kannnn? :D

Saye sayang Koci, Koci juge sayang Koci. Ehh Koci duk diam lahhh, babeyy sgguh! :))

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Miwaaaaaaaaaa F :]

Friday, June 26, 2009

Raja Pop Sudah Pergi.

Ye, Abg Michael Jackson sudah pergi meninggalkan industri hiburan, disamping meninggalkan dunie inii. Sedih bukan? Dok caye gi eh, serious ah. I meant, it's Michael Jackson ah, aku suke lagu lagu dyeee, mau mau lagi ' Beat It '. Skrg, sape lagi mau nyanyi utk aku? :\ Fall Out Boys? Tdak setanding dgn M.J ah. He's a legend and terbaikkkk! :)

Okay semua, mule ber-kabung. *Dose tk aaaaaa?

okay, habis. idea kurang, mate kuyu, kpale kosong :D

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Day, Today.

Today, i skipped err err japp. * satu, due, tige, empat, lime ehh bukan bukan, EMPAT class. Yes emapt kelas. Kelas yang ke-empat, saye masuk. Kerane kelas trsebut adelah CHEMISTRY, which had been my favourite since I blajo Chemy laaa. Interesting woooo, terbaik dlm banyak banyak. And today, I learned Chapter 6, new chapter ah. Bleh tahan susah tp usahe pasti! :)

And ohh, tk btau nape skipped aite? So here's the story. Since Formation is just around the corner * acehh cam buat essay doh, Aswad, which is the leader of Sultan Sulaiman Marching Band, decided to do some latihan, pagi and petang. That's why aaaa, nk polish lagu lagi, steps yang tk brape nk kemas lagii, and others. Tapi takpe, i enjoy latihan setiap hari, tk ah gemuk mane asyik asyik lepas blk skolah, blk rumah, tido, tido, tido. Now, blk skolah je, pegi latihan. Frankly, SAYE SUKEE! :) Kudos to brass band skoloh sayee!

Oh I have ths new addiction ah, and it somehow starts when I watched this movie, Twilight. Yea I know, I know, lmbt gile tgk kann? Hee saye tk tau pulak cte tu best! At first ah, when I saw many students in my schl, read the novel, I was like ' Best ke ah? dohlaa tebal! '. But then, I discovered, * after tgk cte tu aaaa, yang mmg best! So I borrowed the novel from a girl, from 4 Cekal. Luckily she said yes. Yelah, I was like desperate gile nk bce novel tu, tp tk abis lagii. Seriously, I dont have the time. Bru je nk msuk Chapter 8 ; Port Angeles :) Kalau dlm cte, Jessica ngan sape ahu sorang lagi, ajak Bella pegi Port Angeles sbb nk plih bju utk prom night. Tapi kalau dlm novel, tktau aaa. Sbb there are many differences doh movie ngan novel, tapi ade a few dialog that I remembered from the story, which are exactly the same dialog in the movie. Wahh suke suke, teruje cam jakun! x)

I can't wait nak habiskan novel nii, 'cause after ths nak bce New Moon pulak! :D Weheeeee! Sejak bile lah Im into reading reading nii? Tak penah cume buku sejarah jelah, tu pon terpakse kan? Bkan saje saje nk bce. But it can be quite interesting gok sometimes. Trust me, cube cube tryy ;)

Esok ade latihan lagi, pagi and petang. Cant waitt! Tapi kan, Yanie Yanie tkde ptg esok, she's going to KL, which leaves me with two other cymbal players. Haha I can live with that, I hope. gheeshh. Takpe, others ade lagii. :) Yanie Yanie, jgn pegi lame sgttt. Your baby kan, kalu lame lame tk main, lekuk kekgi. *winkwink ;D. Im going to miss ya! Steps nnt mesti saye bolok skalii, sbb nok tgk position Adeyy Zailey, cam jaoh ngattt. :)) * sorry Soda!

Takpe! Belum cube belum tahuuu. Dan dan dan, saye renduu rakan rakan yang lainnn! Tk rehat same samee, time to spend same same kurang. No worries, girls. Lepas nii, kite lepak puas puas yeh? ;)

So okaylaaa, i got to go now. Paih asked me a favour, to ngedit his blog. So, nak ngedit blog Adek Pa nehh. bbyeeee! :)

Koci, Soda, Jeeya, Dada and Natiq, rendu awok awok sumeee! :

By ;

Miwa miwa miwaaaaaaa :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I declare today is SHIT day =,=

Yes, its kinda shitty todayy. Just imagine, i never done anything wrong, well big mistakes which cause trouble ah to be precise this year, but then, everyone starts to put all the blame on me. And Im like ' huh? What did I do? I did that? ' Im confused, I kept asking myself the same question. :\

Apart from that, I just knew that there's this one swine, who thinks thats he's oh-so-good ah, had been fooling me for all this time. God I cant imagine how I felt ah, frustrated mesti ade kann? tkkan bodoh cam tktau nape tk rase cmtuu. But at the same time, I felt well, ' aku tk amek kesah dah, aku ade life, lagi best dri dulu. ' I admit, I never feel like this before :)
And I thank Allah, for giving me a better life than the previous one.

For me, mmg lumrah hdup kan, Allah turunkan ujian, supaye Allah bleh tgk sjauh mane seseorang tu bleh brsabar. And aku bkan sabar sgt pon, cume I learn slowly, from the previous mistakes Ive made. And today, Im like ' Aaaaa man, i should think wisely ah before, kalu tak, none of these things would happened! ' Alaaa, prkare yg dah berlalu, biarkanlah je kan? Btpe lagi fikir fikir? There's no use ah of thinking those shits, over and over again. Crying about the same person, about the same thing, day and night. Now that's bullshit. Im more matured now, I know whats right and whats wrong. And I also know, that I deserve better than this. :)

As I grow older, I learn many new things. I know, it's neccessary for me to know all those things, to ensure I can lead my own life, without any assholes ruin my journey through every chapter in life, from A - Z. Im strong now, all I need are my family and bestfriends to be there with me through thick and thins, to share all those laughters and every single tears. Only them, enough said.

One question ;

Have any of you ever been in a situation where you think, thats the life you want to live, and you think you had found the perfect person to company you through the journey of life? And there's nothing you can think about except you and the person you ' love ', walking the path of happiness, and a little argument and maki hamun doesnt hurt you at all. Because you think, well thats lumrah bersame. And lastly after a half away walking through the path, you stopped, because when you think again, this isnt what you want. And there's no going back. You stuck in the middle, all alone. You felt stupid for choosing the wrong person, and there the person go, leaving you hanging you rope-less. And the next thing you know it, that person is with another person. Oh mmg bodoh kan that person? FCUK YOU!

Well, I felt this before and quite unpleased with the situation ah, but I keep myself strong, strong enough to just ignore and slowly, forget about it. AND yayy,


Girls and Guys out there, I know, there's always a solution to your problem. So, think before you act. No rush in making decisions. I can do it, and Im sure, ALL of you also can. Try to think backk :)

To You ;

BOO-HOO YOU, pathetic monster. Im feeling much better now! :) And I hope you wouldnt come back weeeee :D

Hasil bebelan ;

Amiraaa F.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sejak Kebelakangan Ini, herm

Aku semakin busy, dari hari ke hari. tdak kire pagi, petang, mahupun malam. Aku admit, aku agak letih akan tetapi, aku cube, berusahe dan menepikan rase aku itu. Amende muu merepek Amiraaa F. ehh? haha tak suke tak suke! Awww :DD

Start dari minggu lepas aaaa, practice band non-stop doh. memang letih. Kalau dlm sminggu tu, about one or 2 days je tkde latihan, the rest, mmg ade. Yelah, we're practicing for the upcoming Formation wahhh excited gile! :] So, practice pon mesti ah kene semangat. Kate nak menang kan kan? Tapi aritu aku skip practice fer two days, bkan saje saje ponn. Dgn satu sbb yang munasabah dan tdak dpat diceritakan secare umum di Blogspot. Maaf ye? :p

tadi ke sekolah, first time rase cam ngantuk gile ah dlm krete, nk tdo, malu ah heee =,= cermin krete dok tinted, abih sume org nampak nnt. So, dgn muke yang ngantok gile ah, tahan jela smpai kt skolah. Ingat nk tdo je dlm klas, nmpak Rehah Koci ngan Syerah Acik kat luo klas, tk jdi aaaa, gi laaa lepak ngan dyeorg dpan klas 4 Cekal. And secare kebetulan pulak, Rehah Koci pum ngantok jugak, tp kiteorg tkde pon rase nak msuk kelas, gi tdo haha! x) Terus jelaaa lepak dpan klas org smpai Syahira Soda, Rodayah Mansor, Yanie Yanie, Natiq Royyan dan Madiee mai kat kiteorg dan bergerak ke dewan sekolah bagi bacaan Yassin pade pagi Khamis, yang seringkali dilakukan oleh Ustazah Fatimah Musa, Rohima Muda dan Radzidah err tak igt name penuh dye :]

Oleh kerane ke-ehem ehem tkdi, jdi aku tk bace skali aaaaa. Aku tk igt doh aku btpe smpai last last tau je, bace doa dohh. So abih sume sume, jalan laaaa masuk kelas smule. Tp sperti biase, kumpul dulu sekelompak, ckap psl nape ntah lame lame. Dgn cekgu yang ade mesyuarat tadii, mmg murid murid jolly good fellow haha! Aku gi kcau Pjah laaa, Faten laaa, Ainn laaa, Ramai gak smpai Koci ajok pegi kantin, destinasi kegemaran di pagi hari haha. Menu utame pade pagi tersebut ;

Kentang Goreng Bersame Cili Sos! + Air Mineral yang sejuk.
Enakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Aku suke, ;]

Lepas tu, aku ngan Koci, Yanie, Royyan dan Maddie gi lepak dpan klas 4Bestari pulak, lepak cam kaki lime tu kiteorg pulak buat. Takpe, Mek Joh lalu, kiteorg lari! ;DD Oleh kerane tdak cukup lagi kentang goreng yang dibeli dgn harge 50 sen, aku pegi smule kantin, dgn mngajak Acikkk! Aku lapar pagi tkdi, nk buat camne kan? =,= Acik excited aaaa, sbb aku blanje dye takdii. Smbil smbil tu ckap psl budak Maktab Kuale Berang pffttt RINDU KAU! Nak blk ke kelas smule, lalu pulak dpan dye. HAHA suke ah wehh tp aku buat tktauu je. Takkan nk pegi dpan dye ckap Saye Suke Awak pulak kann? Gilo ah kalau cmtuuu.

Lepas tuu, blajaa laaaa pulak, period B. Melayu. Buat karangan pulak tuu. Oleh kerane aku mmg tk semangat gile pagi tdi, sblum mule buat karangan, aku tdo kroh kroh. Nikmatnye tu, tdak dpat digambarkan dgn kate kate ah. Mmg best, aku suke! :] Lepas tu, rehatt.

Eh mlas aaaaaaaaaaa nak cite pnjg pnjg, dohla entry kali ni boring gile. Aku tnak rosakkan mood ah. Aku lapa so aku tk bermaye nak tulis pnjg pnjg. Aku nak diet tp bile diet, berat bdan aku naik. Tension laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Ouh BTW, tkdi disekolah sahaje EMPAT kali saye tido. First time tdo byk kali cmtu haha!

Kau mmg pemalas wahai Amiraaa F. Okaylaaa, mlas nk tulis lagi. bbyeee!

p/s ; Aku ingin mnyampaikan pesanan Acikk sebentar tdi. Dye request supaye aku tulis

' sherah adelah bdk puang yg teramat la super super super c0mey!!! '

Nah amek kau Acikk, nak sgttt :DD

Miwa, with the empty stomach which need to be filled!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Kau tak tahu,

Aku lalui pelbagai jenis dugaan selame ini, tetapi aku tdak myusahkan kau dgn mnceritekan masalah aku. Aku senyap, aku buntu sameade ingin mmberitahu kau atau tidak. Aku tdak pasti, aku tdak dpat mmbuat keputusan seperti begini, aku tdak ckup matang utk membuat keputusan drastik begini. patot kah aku beritahu kau? Atau patot aku senyap saje? Haihhhh =,=

Kau tak tahu, aku sbenarnye byk menyimpan masalah kepade diri sendiri sahaje. Im the girl, with the face that hides thousand of stories to her self. Why? Cause' shes too afraid to tell her stories to the whole world. She's sick of being ashamed and left out all the time so she tend to keep all of it to herself. Not only that, she's also afraid to face the world especially on her own.

I cant stand being like this all the time, i dont need all this. I keep asking myself why, why all these things keep happening to me but not the others? Im confused, my thoughts are all tangled up. I cant think straight and erghh, i lost my words. :

Smiles? For me, all those smiles that i've created are fake, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE! Trust me, im not lying at all. All those laughters, sheeshh i dont know how to say this but the reason i laugh is to cover the sadness, to cover the fact that im drowning in sadness, where nobody could help me.

I cant face this anymore, I give up. You win. Nuffsaid

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