* Now downloading We Got Married, TeukSo Couple, from episode 2-8. Its going to be a TeukSo couple marathon tonight ! *
Naw lets get real dudes and dudettes ! Im now enjoying my one month semester break, but since its 9th of December already, Im left with another what, 3 more weeks to pamper myself with enough sleeps ! That aint good, aint good.
Semester exam was a bummer. Biology was being nice to me, but not the others. Math was a thumb down. Paper 1 went well but paper 2 was too mean >:( The others, well let bygone be bygone.
So whats the 911 peeps ? Did I miss anything juicy here ? Its been a while since the last time I actually write anything in my blog. I was too preoccupied with all the assignments, and exams. Heck who am I kidding. I was having massive fun ! NOT. D:
So Super Junior paid a visit recently. I was like freakin' thrilled like a girl on steroid ! So I asked Mija to buy me the ticket. But sadly, due to some reasons, I couldnt make it, but Mija did. Best part was she bought the VIP ticket so imagine the fun she had gawking at those yummy boys ! * I sound like a cannibal here/inserts cannibal emoticon here *. So later that night after the concert, I gave her a call. We talked about one hour and something and she spilled out every single details she remembered. So there I was, listening to her over the phone, feeling happy for her and pathetic for myself blergh. Anyways, glad she had fun tho, 'cause that was what she's been dying to do. To actually see those boys. :') Tears of joy my love.
I wish I was at KMB that time, SIGH
So I heard that they wanna hold SS4 here in Malaysia, again, IM SUPER THRILLED ! So what did I do ? I did some money calculations earlier, plus minus here and there and boom ! I need another RM200 more to accomplish my mission to grab the rock zone ticket ! * As if I know the price of the tickets *. But cant get my hopes too high, no confirmation from their side, YET (:
So okay, Im GANNA stop here now ARIGHT * In a Mokpo dialect *
Ya'll take care naw, I'll be backkkk (:
Let The Girl Do The Talking
boys, just shut up like seriously.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
My Desire To Procrastinate Is Unbeatable!
Ive been in front on the laptop for hours not, despite having tons of undone assignments, I chose to go online. Why?
I cant explain. Im sorry.
Well lets refresh. I have math, biology, chemistry and some other subjects need to be done by Sunday. Too lazy to even move my ass, looks like I wont be finishing any of those homeworks tonight, I guess. Tho earlier I had the urge to finish up some drawings related to Biology but naehh, I'll finish it in another couple more hours.
Oh later I'll be meeting up with a couple of my hommies! Yeayers! (Y). Its been a while since the last time we actually have the time to sit and have a proper conversation. I miss you guys :'(
I see this is gettin' nowhere. Actually I just finished reading this one blog and that blog makes me come here, although my head is now empty, I got nothing to say.
Spending this weekend at Nana's house by the way. Tanty is off to Penang and I cant tag along 'cause I'll be sitting for chemistry test this Monday and Tanty said I might struggle to concentrate on studying if I follow her. I spent my weekends before at her house. This weekend is a new thing to me.
Some things were unexpected. Despite being the guest here, I got ' duit raya ' from Nana's relatives. Ive been stuffing my mouth with good food like ALL THE TIME and yeah, Nana's relatives treated me nicely. Im flattered :') Needless to say, I'm very happy and grateful to be here. And oh not forgetting Aunty Oney! She's like a mother to me. She treated me like her own daughter. Whats more prettier than that? :'D
Yeh, i cant proceed anymore. Toodles!
I cant explain. Im sorry.
Well lets refresh. I have math, biology, chemistry and some other subjects need to be done by Sunday. Too lazy to even move my ass, looks like I wont be finishing any of those homeworks tonight, I guess. Tho earlier I had the urge to finish up some drawings related to Biology but naehh, I'll finish it in another couple more hours.
Oh later I'll be meeting up with a couple of my hommies! Yeayers! (Y). Its been a while since the last time we actually have the time to sit and have a proper conversation. I miss you guys :'(
I see this is gettin' nowhere. Actually I just finished reading this one blog and that blog makes me come here, although my head is now empty, I got nothing to say.
Spending this weekend at Nana's house by the way. Tanty is off to Penang and I cant tag along 'cause I'll be sitting for chemistry test this Monday and Tanty said I might struggle to concentrate on studying if I follow her. I spent my weekends before at her house. This weekend is a new thing to me.
Some things were unexpected. Despite being the guest here, I got ' duit raya ' from Nana's relatives. Ive been stuffing my mouth with good food like ALL THE TIME and yeah, Nana's relatives treated me nicely. Im flattered :') Needless to say, I'm very happy and grateful to be here. And oh not forgetting Aunty Oney! She's like a mother to me. She treated me like her own daughter. Whats more prettier than that? :'D
Yeh, i cant proceed anymore. Toodles!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Asians who are
undeniably fluent in English are handsome. If they added some british accent to it,
' its like a sundae with chocolates on top! '
Well decided to write this post after i watched Henry Lau sang the ' Lazy Song ' on youtube. Gosh this kid is so multitalented. He's able to rock guitar and violin like a boss! And oh pianos too!
Ah i miss this adorable kid. Wish could meet him again. D:
And oh, did i mention i have this thing for namja with braces? ^-^
' its like a sundae with chocolates on top! '
Well decided to write this post after i watched Henry Lau sang the ' Lazy Song ' on youtube. Gosh this kid is so multitalented. He's able to rock guitar and violin like a boss! And oh pianos too!
Ah i miss this adorable kid. Wish could meet him again. D:
And oh, did i mention i have this thing for namja with braces? ^-^
and from what i learned
when youre trying to adapt yourself in a new environment, the one main thing you need to do is : be friendly.
KMB is the best! I met many people here, like many kinds of them. Those that are way too weird, in both good and bad ways. Those who like to kiss butts, * aint literally , geniuses, those who think they know it all, friendly kids and also friendly ones. I face these people everyday. Some of them just bug me a lot but some of them are so gooood to be with! <3
i made friends with a bunch of awesome people. my roommate, neighbour, blockmates, classmates. despite our friendship just one month old, ( or maybe less, idk ) but they understand how i am on the inside. there, when its dark, i can nag like a nigga with one of my classmate. man, shes goooood! then we'll laughed like a bunch of crazy folks. eventually many people will join us that time, which is an awesome thing. i can never get bored because of these people.
i seriously have more stories to tell, but my brain is to stiff to think of any right now. plus my laziness wont work with me. so jyeah, i'll be back soon, no promises.
KMB is the best! I met many people here, like many kinds of them. Those that are way too weird, in both good and bad ways. Those who like to kiss butts, * aint literally , geniuses, those who think they know it all, friendly kids and also friendly ones. I face these people everyday. Some of them just bug me a lot but some of them are so gooood to be with! <3
i made friends with a bunch of awesome people. my roommate, neighbour, blockmates, classmates. despite our friendship just one month old, ( or maybe less, idk ) but they understand how i am on the inside. there, when its dark, i can nag like a nigga with one of my classmate. man, shes goooood! then we'll laughed like a bunch of crazy folks. eventually many people will join us that time, which is an awesome thing. i can never get bored because of these people.
i seriously have more stories to tell, but my brain is to stiff to think of any right now. plus my laziness wont work with me. so jyeah, i'll be back soon, no promises.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Sayang Sayang Sayang and Tatayatanya.
My sister and I flew to Kuala Lumpur recently. We were on a BIG mission! >,<
Uhh uhh what kind of mission? What?! What?!
Now now calm down people, settle down, settle down.
The mission was :

BAMM! This up here was our mission! We went to the Gathering of Million Youth Day. * wait did that came out right? Forever confused. -___-
Okay laa senang in bahasa is what we would call ' Perhimpunan Sejuta Belia Negara '
. Well our * ehem ehem * MY main intention was to see SJM perform.
Wait, WHO?!

NAHH! SUPER JUNIOR MANDARIN LAA DEYYY! Consisting of Ming, Hyukjae, Zhoumi, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and our baby Henry! * Sorry Mr.Cho but youre no longer the magnae :P its Mr.Lau now hehe.
What was my sister's role in this story? Well, she was accompanying me, although she's not an ELF * which I hope she is but shes a Belieber instead, but she was willing to be sandwiched/squeezed/pushed because of her one and only elder sister. Thanks baby sister, your sacrifice will never be forgotten! :') * I promise I'll repay you later! >.<
The ( actual ) plan was to be at the venue around 2p.m , so that I could get myself a lightstick from an ELF, but turned out we were an hour late. So yeah, no lightstick at all! ;( But managed to find a close-to-perfect spot! Although it wasnt betul betul in front of the stage but I still could spot Henry behind the screen during his rehearsal, from where I was standing! Sweet kan? :)
So we waited laa, until Dato' Najib, the Prime Minister, and other fellow minister(s) came to the venue we were at, to give out some speech about the Hari Belia. He and the other minister(s) even sat on the stage tau! Without a chair! Sweeeeeet! <3 Then after the speech semua, we were entertained by 2 MC(s), a guy and a girl. They were quite funny! The girl really knows how to entertain us ELF(s). She kept mentioning Super Junior M which brought to massive cheer(s) from the crowd! Yalah, I think 3/4 of the crowd are ELF(s).
Then when the MC(s) left, we waited until dark. About 4-5 hours of waiting, the show started. The opening show were performances by local artists such as Farah Asyikin, Nadia AF, Lan and The Typewriter and such :) Then after the performances ended, we waited about 1 hour for Super Junior M to appear! Phewh that time I was drenching in sweat, dehydrated, suffocating and more lah. They even served us songs by Tokio Hotel! Agaknya lah satu album Tokio Hotel dia pasang despite Tokio Hotel wasnt there! That time I yawned like many times gok. Some source(s) from twitter said that Super Junior M had a press conference at a hotel, but idk which hotel, so thats why they were kinda late. Then exactly at 10p.m, 6 charming prince(s) appeared! OMGOMGOMG! That time ELF cheered like mad people and I was like ' Bakpe bakpe kuor doh ke? ' * literally talked to myself.
And there they were, standing proudly on the stage, with those pretty faces, ah couldnt say more. Their looks, couldnt express with words! But they were lack of two members, Siwon and Donghae. Yes it was kinda frustrating because many people mentioned that Siwon looks superb in real life! Tapi takpa, Hyukjae seemed handsome enough to me! Damn he's hot!
Started off with introductions by them, eh jap lupa! Was it the introduction first or Perfection performance first? Aigoo sudah lupa maaa >,< ANYWAYS, Perfection was too perfect! I managed to record the performance but no photos haih, guess I was too excited kot!
HAAA INGAT DAH! It was the performance first then the self introduction! :D ELF went wild like seriously, I can hear screams, here and there, EVERYWHERE! Okay Im not going to lie, I screamed like mad people ohh! Especially when it came to Hyukjae's rap! Luckily I didnt faint that time! Then after self introduction, they sang Blue Tomorrow. Slow song, sadly I couldnt sing with them cause idk the lyrics * sigh.
After that, 6 lucky ELF were chosen to be on stage, with the boys, and even got the chance to ask the boys some Qs! Whats more exciting than that? They can even hug them! Ergh why am I not one of the fans? -___- Tapi i was considered lucky for not being chosen cause I was drenching in sweat. I dont want to hug them with a condition like that! NO WAYYY! * wanna hug Hyukjae and Henry so baddddd :'(
Then they went solo, first solo was by baby Henli! The title of the song is ' Off My Mind '. Man I went crazy crazy crazy when I listened to this song! I still listen to it til now, especially when Im driving. Mau meroyan aku tiba tiba dlm kereta! Then followed by Zhoumi's solo, and Ryeowook's solo and FatKyu's solo. Frankly, i dont know their solo titles. Ah mianhae, I feel bad. :(
The last solo was by Lee Hyukjae! It was a dance performance! That guy got moves! He mesmerized me with some moves from the songs by late Michael Jackson! * Dangerous, Smooth Criminal, etc etc. He was freaking hot that I couldnt help myself but to scream on top of my lungs! Moreover, he was wearing RED! Hotness overload! <3
Ming didnt have a solo, I guess he didnt prepare anything. Uh its okay Ming, we still love you no matter what you adorable little boy! <3 And also, almost forgot to mention! In the middle of their show kann, Serena C, the MC for that day, thought them to speak malay tau. At first we had no freaking idea what she was whispering to the boys. After that she said ' when we refer to malaysian fans, we said ' and the boys shouted ' SAYAAAAAAANG '. ELF went nuts! Screamed so louddddd! Like whats more sweet than that? Hyukjae was being all flirty and repeated ' Sayang ' many times. He even mentioned ' Cinta is Sayang, Saranghae ', which was taught by Serena also. * credits to Serena C yawll! <33333. Menjerit laaa semua ELF. Serena pun cakap Hyukjae is like the manja one. Awww :)
Oh, even FatKyu tried to speak malay but failed BIG TIME.
Fan : Oppa, which one you like more? Fans or Games?
Kyu : Tatayatanya.
Fan : ??
Kyu : Tatayatanya....Tatayatanya....Tatayatanya...
Because nobody didnt get what he said, so he handed over his mic to the translator, where the translator said ' Tak Payah Tanya! '.
LOLOLOLOLOL failed FatKyu! The way he pronounced it was so full of confident, with that dorky face expression! HAHA we still love you, FatKyu! <3
At the end of the show, they performed Destiny or Blue Tomorrow, ergh cant rmmber again! But it was a slow song lah. Habis tu diaorang nk turun stage tp ELF semua mcam ' ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE '.
And there you have it, they performed Super Girl! Tengok diaorng perform membuatkan saya tringat kat Hangeng ;( Tp agak awkward utk sing along sebab i only remember the korean version!
Last sekali, yang betul betul penutup, diaorg bagi last words. I only remember Wook's, Henry's and Ming's je.
Wook : I Love Malaysia.
Ming : Sayang Sayang Malaysia.
Henry : I dont want to leave Malaysia.
thanks handsome(s). and they left the stage, and all ELF left the venue. Woah first experience was the best! seriously memang diaorang adorable sgt sgt!
Looking forward to meet you guys in the upcoming! <333333
* and oh, i uploaded the photos on Facebook ^^
Uhh uhh what kind of mission? What?! What?!
Now now calm down people, settle down, settle down.
The mission was :

BAMM! This up here was our mission! We went to the Gathering of Million Youth Day. * wait did that came out right? Forever confused. -___-
Okay laa senang in bahasa is what we would call ' Perhimpunan Sejuta Belia Negara '
. Well our * ehem ehem * MY main intention was to see SJM perform.
Wait, WHO?!

NAHH! SUPER JUNIOR MANDARIN LAA DEYYY! Consisting of Ming, Hyukjae, Zhoumi, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and our baby Henry! * Sorry Mr.Cho but youre no longer the magnae :P its Mr.Lau now hehe.
What was my sister's role in this story? Well, she was accompanying me, although she's not an ELF * which I hope she is but shes a Belieber instead, but she was willing to be sandwiched/squeezed/pushed because of her one and only elder sister. Thanks baby sister, your sacrifice will never be forgotten! :') * I promise I'll repay you later! >.<
The ( actual ) plan was to be at the venue around 2p.m , so that I could get myself a lightstick from an ELF, but turned out we were an hour late. So yeah, no lightstick at all! ;( But managed to find a close-to-perfect spot! Although it wasnt betul betul in front of the stage but I still could spot Henry behind the screen during his rehearsal, from where I was standing! Sweet kan? :)
So we waited laa, until Dato' Najib, the Prime Minister, and other fellow minister(s) came to the venue we were at, to give out some speech about the Hari Belia. He and the other minister(s) even sat on the stage tau! Without a chair! Sweeeeeet! <3 Then after the speech semua, we were entertained by 2 MC(s), a guy and a girl. They were quite funny! The girl really knows how to entertain us ELF(s). She kept mentioning Super Junior M which brought to massive cheer(s) from the crowd! Yalah, I think 3/4 of the crowd are ELF(s).
Then when the MC(s) left, we waited until dark. About 4-5 hours of waiting, the show started. The opening show were performances by local artists such as Farah Asyikin, Nadia AF, Lan and The Typewriter and such :) Then after the performances ended, we waited about 1 hour for Super Junior M to appear! Phewh that time I was drenching in sweat, dehydrated, suffocating and more lah. They even served us songs by Tokio Hotel! Agaknya lah satu album Tokio Hotel dia pasang despite Tokio Hotel wasnt there! That time I yawned like many times gok. Some source(s) from twitter said that Super Junior M had a press conference at a hotel, but idk which hotel, so thats why they were kinda late. Then exactly at 10p.m, 6 charming prince(s) appeared! OMGOMGOMG! That time ELF cheered like mad people and I was like ' Bakpe bakpe kuor doh ke? ' * literally talked to myself.
And there they were, standing proudly on the stage, with those pretty faces, ah couldnt say more. Their looks, couldnt express with words! But they were lack of two members, Siwon and Donghae. Yes it was kinda frustrating because many people mentioned that Siwon looks superb in real life! Tapi takpa, Hyukjae seemed handsome enough to me! Damn he's hot!
Started off with introductions by them, eh jap lupa! Was it the introduction first or Perfection performance first? Aigoo sudah lupa maaa >,< ANYWAYS, Perfection was too perfect! I managed to record the performance but no photos haih, guess I was too excited kot!
HAAA INGAT DAH! It was the performance first then the self introduction! :D ELF went wild like seriously, I can hear screams, here and there, EVERYWHERE! Okay Im not going to lie, I screamed like mad people ohh! Especially when it came to Hyukjae's rap! Luckily I didnt faint that time! Then after self introduction, they sang Blue Tomorrow. Slow song, sadly I couldnt sing with them cause idk the lyrics * sigh.
After that, 6 lucky ELF were chosen to be on stage, with the boys, and even got the chance to ask the boys some Qs! Whats more exciting than that? They can even hug them! Ergh why am I not one of the fans? -___- Tapi i was considered lucky for not being chosen cause I was drenching in sweat. I dont want to hug them with a condition like that! NO WAYYY! * wanna hug Hyukjae and Henry so baddddd :'(
Then they went solo, first solo was by baby Henli! The title of the song is ' Off My Mind '. Man I went crazy crazy crazy when I listened to this song! I still listen to it til now, especially when Im driving. Mau meroyan aku tiba tiba dlm kereta! Then followed by Zhoumi's solo, and Ryeowook's solo and FatKyu's solo. Frankly, i dont know their solo titles. Ah mianhae, I feel bad. :(
The last solo was by Lee Hyukjae! It was a dance performance! That guy got moves! He mesmerized me with some moves from the songs by late Michael Jackson! * Dangerous, Smooth Criminal, etc etc. He was freaking hot that I couldnt help myself but to scream on top of my lungs! Moreover, he was wearing RED! Hotness overload! <3
Ming didnt have a solo, I guess he didnt prepare anything. Uh its okay Ming, we still love you no matter what you adorable little boy! <3 And also, almost forgot to mention! In the middle of their show kann, Serena C, the MC for that day, thought them to speak malay tau. At first we had no freaking idea what she was whispering to the boys. After that she said ' when we refer to malaysian fans, we said ' and the boys shouted ' SAYAAAAAAANG '. ELF went nuts! Screamed so louddddd! Like whats more sweet than that? Hyukjae was being all flirty and repeated ' Sayang ' many times. He even mentioned ' Cinta is Sayang, Saranghae ', which was taught by Serena also. * credits to Serena C yawll! <33333. Menjerit laaa semua ELF. Serena pun cakap Hyukjae is like the manja one. Awww :)
Oh, even FatKyu tried to speak malay but failed BIG TIME.
Fan : Oppa, which one you like more? Fans or Games?
Kyu : Tatayatanya.
Fan : ??
Kyu : Tatayatanya....Tatayatanya....Tatayatanya...
Because nobody didnt get what he said, so he handed over his mic to the translator, where the translator said ' Tak Payah Tanya! '.
LOLOLOLOLOL failed FatKyu! The way he pronounced it was so full of confident, with that dorky face expression! HAHA we still love you, FatKyu! <3
At the end of the show, they performed Destiny or Blue Tomorrow, ergh cant rmmber again! But it was a slow song lah. Habis tu diaorang nk turun stage tp ELF semua mcam ' ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE '.
And there you have it, they performed Super Girl! Tengok diaorng perform membuatkan saya tringat kat Hangeng ;( Tp agak awkward utk sing along sebab i only remember the korean version!
Last sekali, yang betul betul penutup, diaorg bagi last words. I only remember Wook's, Henry's and Ming's je.
Wook : I Love Malaysia.
Ming : Sayang Sayang Malaysia.
Henry : I dont want to leave Malaysia.
thanks handsome(s). and they left the stage, and all ELF left the venue. Woah first experience was the best! seriously memang diaorang adorable sgt sgt!
Looking forward to meet you guys in the upcoming! <333333
* and oh, i uploaded the photos on Facebook ^^
Friday, April 22, 2011
I spend my Friday quite well.
Finally Ive finished the 300 words essay which is due this Wednesday. Phewh legaaa. Dont have to think about it anymore except for the fact that I have to type that darn thing later. Sangatlah malas wahai ini budak >,<
Oh, now Im trying to be an Inspirit, besides being an ELF, half Beauty, half Hottest, half A+, half VIP. Half semua laa. Only a full ELF :D 'Aina omma encourage me to be one so yeah. Hihi. I watched ' Nothing's Over ' MV but failed to recognize em' except for Dongwoo and Hoya, :D * even can remember their names properly pun lagi.
Mia, Fighting! <3
Oh, now Im trying to be an Inspirit, besides being an ELF, half Beauty, half Hottest, half A+, half VIP. Half semua laa. Only a full ELF :D 'Aina omma encourage me to be one so yeah. Hihi. I watched ' Nothing's Over ' MV but failed to recognize em' except for Dongwoo and Hoya, :D * even can remember their names properly pun lagi.
Mia, Fighting! <3
Friday, April 15, 2011
Oh Em Gee!
Just changed my background picture. Dope aite? Hehe. Now Im more anticipated to write in my blog, NOT. Im born with laziness as a package so yeah, my cool background picture wont influence me to write more often.
Oh another thing is, Ive found what I want! * Eh I shud inform Mija about this! Wanna know what it is? THIS!
Yeah this album up here, the new B version! Although the price is quite expensive, but its worth for something you have interest in. So yeah dont let the money stay still, frozen stiff in your pocket, spend em'!
Okay so thats all. Annyeong! <3
* Mija Mija Ive found the version B for the album! are you interested syg? :)
Oh another thing is, Ive found what I want! * Eh I shud inform Mija about this! Wanna know what it is? THIS!

Yeah this album up here, the new B version! Although the price is quite expensive, but its worth for something you have interest in. So yeah dont let the money stay still, frozen stiff in your pocket, spend em'!
Okay so thats all. Annyeong! <3
* Mija Mija Ive found the version B for the album! are you interested syg? :)
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